Henryk Pająk

Henryk Pająk (born 1937) is a Polish writer, journalist and publisher.


Coming from peasant family, he studied philology at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. He then became professor of Polish language in a gymnasium and contributed to a farm newspaper in Lublin (Sztandar Ludu). In 1965, he founded a poets association in 1965 called « Prom ». In 1969, he compiled Henryk Cybulski's memoirs, Czerwone noce (Red nights) about Przebraże Defence, the self-defence of Poles against the Ukrainian UPA. Pająk wrote then a novel based on this subject matter, Los (Fate) in 1969.

A prolific writer, Henryk Pająk wrote many novels and poems which made him famous such as Druga śmierć (Second death) in 1971, Tam, za snem (There, for sleep) in 1991 (received 2 literary awards) or Wolny (Free) in 1992. He also headed the Lublin's section of the Polish union of writers (Związek Literatów Polskich). Under the communist regime, he was a member of the PZPR but left it during the Martial law in 1981.

After the collapse of communism, he created a book publishing company « Wydawnictwo Retro ». Since, he has written many books, such as a book about the Polish communist regime in 1997 (Rządy zbirów 1940-1990 [Governments of criminals]), written with Stanisław Żochowski (one of the NSZ confunders), or a biography of Józef Piłsudski (Ponura prawda o Piłsudskim [Gloomy truth about Piłsudski], in 2005). He also wrote a well-documented inquiry on the former communist secret police — the UB-SB — in 3 volumes (1993-94). Following the publication of this book, he was called to testify for the new intelligence agency UOP.


  • Los, 1969 (Fate)
  • Druga śmierć, 1971 (Second death)
  • Pęknięty świat, 1972 (Broken world)
  • Zerwanie, 1976
  • Posłuchaj Moniko, 1977 (Listen Monika)
  • Druga śmierć, 1981 (Second death)
  • Za cieniem cień, 1989 (Shadow after shadow)
  • Tam, za snem, 1991 (There, behind the dream)
  • Wolny, 1992 (Free)
  • Zbrodnie UB – NKWD, 1991 (Crimes of UB - NKVD)
  • „Uskok” kontra UB, 1992 („Uskok” versus UB)
  • „Burta” kontra UB, 1992 („Burta” versus UB)
  • „Jastrząb” kontra UB, 1993 („Jastrząb” versus UB)
  • „Żelazny” kontra UB, 1993 („Żelazny” versus UB)
  • Za samostijną Ukrainę, 1993 (For free Ukraine)
  • Urbana NIE w wojnie z Kościołem katolickim, 1993 (Urban's NIE at war with Catholic Church)
  • Oni się nigdy nie poddali, 1997 (They never gave up)
  • Strach być Polakiem, 1997 (Fear to be Polish)
  • Rządy zbirów 1940-1990, 1997 with Stanisław Żochowski, (Rule of thugs 1940-1990)
  • Piąty rozbiór Polski 1990–2000, 1998 (V partition of Poland 1990-2000)
  • Żydowskie oblężenie Oświęcimia, 1999 (Jewish siege of Auschwitz)
  • Dwa wieki polskiej Golgoty czyli Samotni wśród łotrów, 1999 (Two centuries of Polish Calvary, Alone among scumbags)
  • A Naród śpi!, 2000 (And Nation sleeps!)
  • Polska w bagnie, 2001 (Poland in swamp)
  • Jedwabne geszefty, 2001 (Jedwabne's geszefts)
  • Bestie końca czasu, 2001 (Beasts of the end of time)
  • Trzecia wojna światowa, 2002 (World War Third)
  • Złodziej milionów, 2002. (Thief of millions)
  • Bandytyzm NATO, 2003 (NATO's banditism)
  • Z Łagru do Eurołagru, 2003 (From gulag to Eurogulag)
  • Niemieckie ludobójstwo na polskim narodzie, 2004 (German genocide on Polish nation)
  • Retinger. Mason i agent syjonizmu, 2004 (Retinger. Freemason and agent of Zionism)
  • Bestie końca czasu, 2005 (Beasts of the end of time)
  • Ponura prawda o Piłsudskim, 2005 (Gloomy truth about Piłsudski)
  • Dwa wieki polskiej Golgoty czyli Samotni wśród łotrów, 2005 (Two centuries of Polish Calvary, Alone among scumbags)
  • Jedwabne geszefty, 2005 (Jedwabne's geszefts)
  • Nowotwory Watykanu, 2005 (Vatican's tumors)
  • Dyktatura nietykalnych, 2006 (Dictatorship of untouchables)
  • Grabarze polskiej nadziei 1980–2005, 2007 (Gravediggers of Polish hope)
  • Rosja we krwi i nafcie 1905–2005, 2007 (Russia in blood and oil)
  • Prosto w ślepia, 2007 (Straight in eyes)
  • Kundlizm znów wygrał, 2008 (Kundlizm won again)

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